December 16, 2010

The Game of the Century...

...can be found here

I have been playing chess regularly, but at a low level, for many years. When it became clear that I had stopped improving – and that only a substantial investment of time and energy could precipitate further progress – I accepted my role as a lifetime patzer. High-level chess is not fun; it is hard work. I would rather make awful blunders while having fun than agonize over brilliant combinations and elegant traps. Bobby Fischer chose the opposite path. Chess became his vocation and, ultimately, his life. The game above, widely regarded as one of the greatest ever played, instantiates the transcendental power of a brilliant mind and the sixty-four squares. 17...Be6(!!) is the chess move I'll never make; I would always – always – preserve the queen. And that's why I'll never be a great chess player.

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